MR. Moses 7 months ago

Invoice Layout

Invoice Layout helps you to create different invoice formats.

To add a new invoice layout:

  1. Go to Settings->Invoice Settings->Invoice Layout->Add
  2. Give a unique distinguishable Layout name
  3. Add the text to be shown in the top/header of invoice. Generally, it can be your shop name, aligned center with Heading 1 format.
  4. Add other relevant details.
  5. You can show/hide address fields.
  6. You can mark a layout as default. The default layout is used when no layout is found for a location.
  7. Click on Save.

To use an invoice layout in a location go to” Business Locations -> Edit” and assign the invoice layout.

Invoice Design:

  • In invoice layout, you will find options for invoice designs.
  • Used for browser-based printing only & NOT print server-based printing.
  • Slim design is used for thermal line printer-based printer.

Tax Summary:

To see the tax summary in invoice, go to add/edit invoice layout, and enter the “Tax Summary Label” option and it will show the tax summary in invoice.

Total in words:

To display total in words in the invoice Enable:

  1.  Show total in words 
  2. Choose “Word Format”

Discounted Price:

To display the discounted unit price and discount amount in the invoice, enable the following filed in invoice layout

  1. Discounted unit price label
  2. Discount label

Display unit breakdown:

To display the reduction summary of quantity from multiple units, enable the check box  ‘show base unit details (If applicable)’.

Adding sale custom fields in the invoice:

The sale custom fields can be added to the printed invoice.
Step 1: To achieve it, Go to Settings > Invoice Settings > Invoice Layout.
Step 2: Select the invoice layout in which you need the sale custom fields to be printed.
Step 3: Enable the checkboxes for the sell custom fields, “sell 1”, “sell2” etc, and save it.

Now, when you use this chosen invoice layout, the custom fields you set up for sales will automatically appear on the printed invoice.


A letterhead image containing all details of your business(organization name, address, business registration & other details) can be added to invoices.

Letterhead will be displayed at the top portion of the invoices.

  1. Go to Settings > Invoice Settings > Invoice Layout.
  2. Enable the “show letterhead” checkbox.
  3. Upload the letterhead file (Max 1 MB)


Displaying QR code in invoice

Displaying QR code in Invoice:


  1. Edit an invoice layout
  2. Scroll down to the QR code section at the bottom
  3. Click Show QR Code
  4. Enable all the fields required in QR code, like Business Name, Invoice URL, and others
  5. Save the invoice layout. Print an invoice and you’ll see the QR code in the invoice
  6. Show Labels: Enable this option to show the labels(key-value pair) in QR code
  7. ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code: This is mostly required in Saudi Arabia country. Enabling this will generate a QR code in LTV-base64 format.


Gift receipt:

A gift receipt shows proof of purchase but leaves out the amount spent. To print a gift receipt follow the below steps:

  1. Add a new invoice layout with the name “Gift Receipt”
  2. In invoice layout select the Invoice Design as Slim and Check the Hide all prices checkbox
  3. In Business Settings -> POS, check the Show invoice layout dropdown and save it.
  4. Now in the POS screen whenever you want to issue a gift receipt, simply select the invoice layout as Gift Receipt and print the invoice.


Invoice External URL

  1. With invoice external URL you can share the invoice to a customer via a link.
  2. With this link, they can see & print the invoice without they having to login into the system.
  3. The link can also be sent in Email & SMS notification. To send url in Email/SMS notification add it in notification template using the url tag.


Configuring keyboard shortcuts for POS screen

Omolead supports keyboard shortcuts, by default we have configured shortcuts for different actions in POS screen.

But you can configure it yourself as per your convenience.

To configure keyboard shortcuts, go to Settings -> System Settings. Here in the POS section, you will find a list of Operations and the shortcuts for them.

You can use the Available Key Names with any combination of letters or number to create shortcuts.

– Make sure the shortcuts do not conflict (is not same) with the shortcut of the browser. Making a shortcut same as the browser will have different effects in different browsers.


Discounts by Brand, Category, Location

Add/Edit Discount:

  • Name: Enter a meaning full name for the discount.
  • Brand: Select the product brand where it will be applied.
  • Category: Select the product Category where it will be applied.
  • Location: Select the location
  • Priority: Discount with higher priority will have higher weight, however priority will not be considered for exact matches.
    For example: if there are 2 discounts available for the same brand and/or category then the discount with higher priority will be applied.
  • Discount type: Fixed or Percentage
  • Start At: Start date of the discount.
  • End At: Start date of the discount.
  • Apply in selling price groups: If checked then the discount will be applied in the selling price group price. If not then it will not be applied.
  • Apply in customer groups: If checked then the discount will be applied in the customer group price. If not then it will not be applied.
  • Is active: Activate or not.

Reward Points, Royalty points

Enabling reward points:

  1. Go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Reward Points Settings.
  2. Click on Enable Reward Point and it will get enabled.

Reward Points Settings:

Reward points settings is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Earning Points Settings
  2. Redeem points settings

Earning Points Settings:

  1. Reward points display name: This is display or label name for reward points. Some people like to keep it as reward points or reward coins etc. Only used for displaying label.
  2. Amount spent for unit point: Meaning how much the customer spent to get one reward points.
    If you set it as 10, then for every Ksh.10 spent by customer they will get one reward points.
    If the customer purchases for Ksh.1000 then they will get 100 reward points.
  3. Minimum order total to earn a reward: The minimum amount the customer should spend to get reward points.
    If you set it as 100 then the customer will get reward points only if there invoice total is greater or equal to 100. If the invoice total is 99 then they won’t get any reward points.
    You can set it as a minimum of 1.
  4. Maximum points per order: Maximum reward points customer can earn in one invoice. Leave it empty if you don’t want any such restrictions.

Redeem Points Settings:

  1. Redeem amount per unit point: It indicates the redeem amount per point.
    For example: If 1 point is $1 then enter the value as 1. If 2 points are $1 then enter the value as 0.50.
  2. Minimum order total to redeem point: Minimum order total for which customers can redeem points.
  3. Minimum redeem point per order: Minimum redeem points that can be used per invoice. Leave it blank if you don’t need this restriction.
  4. Maximum redeem point per order: Maximum points that can be used in one order. Leave it blank if you don’t need this restriction.
  5. Redeem point expiry period: Expiry period for points earned by customers. You can set it in months or years. Expired points will get deducted from the customer account automatically after this period.
    NOTE: You must set the cron job for expiry feature to work. Cron Job Document

To display customers remaining reward point in invoice you can choose the option in invoice layout to display it.

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